The specialization includes comprehensive knowledge in the field of logistics processes and supply chains, from sourcing and purchasing, through production and materials management, intralogistics, warehousing, transport and forwarding, inventory management as well as orders and deliveries, to distribution, order processing and customer service.
The studies will prepare you for the efficient management of logistics processes, infrastructure and logistic devices, as well as the flow of materials and products in the enterprise and the flow of cargo in supply chains. You will gain knowledge in the field of business logistics planning and supply chains, logistics controlling and cost management, marketing of logistics services and shaping models of cooperation with suppliers and recipients.
You will learn about modern methods of supply, distribution and organization of production in global logistics networks, connected by an efficient transport and logistics system.
You will gain practical knowledge and competences in managing the processes of purchasing, procurement and organization of deliveries, warehousing and inventory, distribution, transport and forwarding - in order to efficiently and effectively execute customer orders.
The specialization is carried out in the form of part-time studies.
Na studiach podyplomowych zdobędziesz dodatkowe kwalifikacje, dzięki którym z pewnością przyspieszysz swój zawodowy awans lub zwiększysz swoje szanse na rynku pracy. Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki, obok studiów specjalistycznych oferuje kształcenie z zakresu niezbędnych umiejętności osobistych.