WSL co-operates with the University of Economics, Technical University, Fire Service College (all of them in Poznań) and Marine Secondary School in Kołobrzeg.
As the only school in Poland WSL runs a pioneering co-operation programme with secondary schools and vocational colleges which educate logistics technician and forwarding technician.
Scope of co-operation:
- teaching support by an ongoing co-operation activity of the teaching staff of WSL and the schools’ headmasters,
- trips to WSL, during which secondary school students take part in lectures on logistics, they visit RFID Laboratory and one of WSL’s Partner Logisitcs Companies,
- publication of textbooks, in collaboration with the Institute of Logistics and Warehousing tailored to the curricula of upper secondary schools,
- handover of teaching materials and teaching aids; assistance in establishing contacts between schools and companies,
- initiation of postgraduate studies “Logistics for teachers”, thanks to which teachers can expand their knowledge of logistics that can be later used in their teaching activity at their schools; this is a three-semester course and is meant as professional development activity indispensible in the development of their teaching career,
- internet portal which functions as a platform where teachers can exchange information (the portal is regularly updated with teaching materials received from Partner Companies),
- organization of the WSL’s Annual Teachers Forum, during which conclusions from the co-operation activities between WSL and the schools are presented and new goals for further co-operation are set,
- organization of National Logistics Competition (Ogólnopolska Olimpiada Logistyczna) for upper secondary school students educating logistics technicians and forwarding technicians,
- co-operation within the framework of the project Wielkopolska musi wiedzieć (Wielkopolska must know) that aims at establishing co-operation contacts between schools and companies thanks to which graduates have better employment prospects and companies gain access to highly qualified potential employees,
- co-operation within the framework of the project Wirtualne laboratoria – sukces innowacji (Virtual laboratories, success of innovation) where Epicor’s ERP software is used; as part of this project an innovative teaching method which uses advanced IT and communications technologies will be created which later will be implemented in lab classes held in upper secondary schools.